
2023年1月5日—TheLaceyActcombatsillegaltraffickingofwildlife,fish,andplants.The2008FarmBillamendedtheLaceyAct(16U.S.C.§§3371-3378) ...,TheLaceyAct,asamendedin1981and2008,prohibitstheimportation,exportation,transportation,sale,receipt,acquisition,orpurchaseofanyfishor ...,TheLaceyActof1900isaconservationlawintheUnitedStatesthatprohibitstradeinwildlife,fish,andplantsthathavebeenillegallytaken, .....

Lacey Act

2023年1月5日 — The Lacey Act combats illegal trafficking of wildlife, fish, and plants. The 2008 Farm Bill amended the Lacey Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 3371-3378) ...

Lacey Act Amendments of 1981

The Lacey Act, as amended in 1981 and 2008, prohibits the importation, exportation, transportation, sale, receipt, acquisition, or purchase of any fish or ...

Lacey Act of 1900

The Lacey Act of 1900 is a conservation law in the United States that prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, ...

Lacey Act

The Lacey Act, as amended in 1981 and 2008, prohibits the importation, exportation, transportation, sale, receipt, acquisition, or purchase of any fish or ...

US Lacey Act

The Lacey Act, initially enacted in 1900, is a United States law that bans trafficking in fish, wildlife, or plants that are illegally taken, possessed, ...

What is the Lacey Act?

Enacted in 1900, the Lacey Act is one of the United States' oldest and most powerful wildlife protection laws and has strong whistleblower provisions.

《雷西法》,Lacey Act,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!

Lacey Act. 中文. 《雷西法》. 解釋. 〈美〉 一項國會立法,最初制定於1900年。該法規定各州有權實施各自的狩獵法〔game laws〕,以抵制從他州或其他國家進口動物、鳥類等 ...


美國雷斯法案(Lacey Act) 最初於1900 年由愛荷華(Iowa) 州眾議員John Lacey 提出,並於同年5 月25 日由William Mckinly 總統簽署生效,是一項保護野生動植物之法律 ...


1900年雷斯法案(英文:Lacey Act of 1900)簡稱雷斯法案(美國法典第16編(英語:Title 16 of the United States Code) §§ 第3371–3378節)是美國的一部資源保護法。